
Volunteers Make a Difference

We welcome volunteers in all aspects of our fundraising events, helping with getting the flight off the ground, those staying behind and be part of our welcoming committee, to helping with the trips. Volunteers chosen to assist us on the flight are chosen by the Board. We welcome fundraising from churches, schools, organizations, companies, families, etc. to assist in this endeavor and we are happy to guide those entities on how to have various fundraisers, to individually donate or even become a sponsor of a charter flight.

All fundraising events will be appreciated, large or small; Help us send our veterans to their memorials in Washington, D.C.! Please use the form below to indicate your interest.

Your help is needed!

Honor Flight could not run missions without the dedicated help provided by our caring and dedicated volunteers. Please consider the wide range of opportunities; every little bit helps.

Volunteer Roles:
Development, Operations, and Fundraising
  • Reaching out to potential community and corporate donors
  • Clerical Support
  • Grant Writing
  • Speaking Engagements
  • Staffing Informational Tables
  • Seeking Out Veterans
Mission Support
  • Veteran Registration at Sendoff
  • Trip Support
  • Welcome Home Reception

The quickest and easiest way to begin as a Volunteer is to fill out our below online Volunteer Form. Click the button below to get started.

MAIL-IN APPLICATIONS: If you would prefer to mail in your application, please download our paper application form. Our mailing address is provided on all the forms. We look forward to hearing from you!

Need more information?

Want to learn more about our organization or have questions? Feel free to contact us…

Contact Us!

  • Email
  • Phone
  • Address
    Western ND Honor Flight
    PO Box 265
    Bismarck ND 58502